About us

Our story

Paolo Cravero and Alberto Porro, the owners of the company E-best and the Looev Brand, met in high school and realized that together they could achieve a lot. Both of them have an entrepreneurial vision, capable of understanding the opportunities inherent in the markets, foreseeing the evolution and economic trends. They both share a passion for entrepreneurship, designing businesses, anticipating the market, studying and emulating the great successes of leaders. Their enthusiasm for computer science, the web, and all sorts of technological and automated innovations brought them together to share experiences and eventually decide to found a company exclusively based on e-commerce. This futuristic vision emerged in 2005 when online sales were in their infancy.

They quickly discover their love for clothing, personal care, and enhancing one's own look—the style that complements everyone's beauty, highlighting their best features and forms. And so, the story of Looev begins!

On 26/10/2006, in a garage not far from their homes, they decide to create a website to promote carefully selected textile products. They choose styles favored by the owners and based on the availability of suppliers who believed in the potential of two young men, just barely in their twenties, without much experience and without a physical store to promote the brands.

"I assure you that when I talked about my project with some people, including close friends and relatives," says Alberto, "I noticed the skepticism, disbelief, and compassion of people who truly cared about me and didn't dare to tell me what they thought: it's madness."

"Others," adds Paolo, "many others, clearly said that we would close our doors soon - 'Get a real job,' scolded our parents. 'Online?! How can you sell clothing online?'"

Well, that computer began to generate sales. Miraculously, the demand for garments started to increase, and soon we had to adapt to the market: faster shipping, storage space for merchandise, horizontal and vertical assortment, a photo set... Within a year of the website's launch, we moved into a small apartment, and the public demand kept growing.

We soon started selling throughout Europe, then in the USA, Russia, and emerging markets... We acquired full ownership of the second apartment connected to the first, along with an adjoining attic.

At the beginning of 2013, the dream of having a professional warehouse began to materialize, and we moved our headquarters to America Dei Boschi. We now have a well-equipped warehouse suitable for meticulous order preparation, where two people continuously package orders from different platforms and countries. An operator handles product exchanges, returns, and customer satisfaction, answering hundreds of questions or providing helpful advice.

Our buyers continue to search the market for the best products with high-quality standards and the best prices. Every day, we dedicate ourselves to the continuous search for new brands, new clothing solutions, and soon we will launch the Looev branded product line, created with love and dedication.

On 01/02/2015, the Looev logo and the new website looev.com were born. It is based on Style, which every person should pursue, making the mix of garments they choose to combine for each situation magical, in accordance with their own taste and the climatic, social, and work-related needs.

In 2018, we moved to Marene, to a 1500 sqm warehouse for logistics and commercial reorganization. We also opened a Looev store for direct sales to the public, offering the opportunity to try on sizes and view the products to fully understand their quality. You can find us in Marene at Via Luigi Einaudi 24/B... Come visit us in our new store! ;)

In 2021, the need to get closer to our customers led us to open a store for direct sales, choosing the historic center of Bra as the location. We hope it will be the first of many openings. It is located at Via Vittorio Emanuele 228.